Monday, April 25, 2011

What are the FDLR doing?

The FDLR Hutu extremist rebel group is attacking Tutsi forces because of their on going dispute over power. They attack the Tutsis both in eastern DRC and also across the border in Rwanda. These attacks are creating many tensions that could possibly lead to another Rwandan attack into the DRC. The FDLR cross-border raids have caused failed infrastructure in DRC. These attacks on Rwanda have indirectly caused psychological damage on its many civilians. Along with the indirect effects on DRC civilians, the FDLR has perpetrated direct acts of violence on the citizens. Their armed forces are held responsible for forced displacement, abductions, looting, child soldiers, violence and torture, and mass sexual violence. The rebel group goes through villages and burns them to the ground. As well as destroying villages, the FDLR rebels brutally murder innocent civilians and rape frightened and innocent women. What these sexual assaults have led to is the use of rape as a weapon of war. All of these actions by the rebel group have created a mass amount of human rights violations that leave foreigners with unbelievable statistics. 200,000 women have been brutally raped by member of the FDLR. In 2006 26,000 rapes were reported in South Kivu, and a total of 7,000 rapes were reported in 7,000. Because of the burning of their villages, and mass killings of their people, 2.1 million Congolese citizens have been displaced since the start of the genocide.  Since 1996 5.4 million civilians deaths have been reported because of mass shootings, brutal torturing, and wide scale rape.

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