Shown above are only some, of the many thousands of rape victims from the DRC. This article shows how the FDLR and other violent rebel groups are using rape as a weapon of war. The mass rape cause by this group has led to abandonment of villages, and an insecure women population. One of the reasons rape is being used as a weapon is because not only does it cause physical damage to women and young girls, but it also causes emotional damage and insecurity. Many of the young girls who get raped then become pregnant and are mocked by friends and neighbors. The most striking idea that this article poses is the fact that many of the rapist never reckon with the law. This is also another reason as to why rape is so commonly used as weapons of war; rapists don’t fear the persecution of the law.
This is a compelling passage Ali, it's really great. I didn't know the devastating outcome that rape poses in this situation. You reminded me that rape is a tool of manipulation of the masses, and how many women it effects. You remind the reader of the emotional distress that these women endure, and how enough of the same behavior eventually leads to an "insecure" population. The crude violation of rights and personal security is cruel, and you explain that's why it's such a powerful weapon of war. You acknowledge that this act has such a great effect on women that the insecurity caused is enough to ruin a life, and sometimes never to be revived.